Accessibility Information
Our Box Office and volunteers are dedicated to making your visit to the Proms at St Jude’s as enjoyable as possible. If you have any specific access requirements you can contact us at or on 020 3322 8123.
Wheelchair users and visitors who have mobility impairment
All the venues are wheelchair accessible. If you require assistance accessing the buildings or in the event of an evacuation, please ensure you inform the Box Office prior to attending.
At St Jude’s, access is by a ramp from the car park entrance. There are also shallow steps into the main entrance. There is a fully accessible toilet by the car park entrance in the church.
At the Free Church, access is via a ramp from the car park entrance.
For the LitFest at The Henrietta Barnett School, when you arrive please ask a steward who will help to escort you to the lift for access to the Drama Room and the disabled toilet facilities.
There are a number of reserved parking spaces for wheelchair users. These must be pre-booked. If you require a reserved parking space close to St Jude’s, the Free Church or The Henrietta Barnett School, please contact us by email: or by phone on 020 3322 8123.
If you have not reserved a car park space, you can be dropped off at the St Jude’s car park.
Spaces for wheelchair users
Please note that there are a limited number of special spaces reserved for wheelchair users in all three venues: St Jude’s; the Free Church; and The Henrietta Barnett School. Please inform the Box Office before purchasing seats if you require a wheelchair space.
A person using a wheelchair who requires assistance must be accompanied by a companion. The price of a wheelchair space includes the companion.
Visitors who are blind or partially-sighted
Visitors are welcome to take guide dogs into the concerts or LitFest. If you would like to do so, we can advise you on which seats to book. If you are booking online, please select a seat/seats adjacent to an aisle, so that your dog can sit in the aisle. Should aisle seats not be available, please email us at and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Or you can phone us on 020 3322 8123.
Visitors who are deaf or have a hearing impairment
A hearing loop is available in both churches and in The Henrietta Barnett School Hall to help hearing aid users receive a clear sound without background noise. Patrons can use this facility by switching their hearing aids to ‘T’. There is no hearing loop for the LitFest talks held in the upstairs Drama Studio which is a smaller room.
Visitors are welcome to bring hearing dogs. If you would like to do so, we can advise you on which seats to book. If you are booking online, please select a seat/seats adjacent to an aisle, so that your dog can sit in the aisle. Should aisle seats not be available, please email us at
Main access to St Jude's is over two shallow steps
Wheelchair access via a ramp is at the side door